Thursday, November 1, 2012


I wanted to post a little something different today. I've decided to participate in National Novel Writing Month[NaNoWriMo] this year for the first time. I'm really excited to really get my novel up and running. I've always been one to have a million ideas in my head, but I can never seem to get far into one before another comes along and takes it's place. I've isolated one story that I've been working on for a while now and I plan on breaking the idea down to it's bare bones and starting again.

I'm hoping I can find some good writing buddies to help me through the month and keep me motivated.

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo or have you in the past? I would love to hear about any of the things that worked, or didn't work, for you.
And don't worry, I'll still be reading and reviewing.

If you want to join or learn more about NaNoWriMo follow the link here.

If you want to become my writing buddy, you can add me here.


  1. I'll add you as a writing buddy for sure! Good luck with it - it's so satisfying to do and really has helped my writing so much! I'll be keeping track of your work... no pressure :P x

    1. Sam! It's good to hear from you! And I think I need a little pressure on this. I've only just started, but I intend on spending a lot of time on my day off writing. :]

    2. Well I'll try to help! I keep meaning to add you on twitter for better contact-ness, so I'll do that now! :P
